Wystone's Recipes
Red Chai Rooibos Dressing

6 oz. Wystone’s Red Chai Rooibos Tea
3 eggs
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 oz. honey
1 lemon, juiced
2 cups mild olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste
- To steep tea, combine 1 tablespoon of loose leaf Red Chai Rooibos (or any flavor Rooibus Tea) with 6 oz. of 205° water for 7 minutes. Strain tea, reserve and let cool.
- Carefully separate egg yolks into a blender. Add garlic, mustard, honey, lemon juice and steeped tea.
- Begin blender on low speed and slowly drizzle olive oil until emulsified and thickened. Season dressing with salt and black pepper. If dressing is too thin, add more olive oil. If too thick, add small amounts of warm water until desired consistency is reached.